Your feelings

Hey guys, its’s Catty here (obviously),
So as this month we are talking about self-care and self-love, in this extract I am going to be talking about feelings and how you can use them or control them.
We as human beings have an infinite amount of feelings, especially as you are growing up – (gosh I sound like a guidance counsellor). The 4 main feelings are; anger, sadness, fear and happiness. There are more descriptive ones as well such as; excited, depressed, anticipation, disgust and many, many more.
Today I am going to be writing about 2 out of the 4 main ones. Sadness is one of the most common feelings teenagers (or anyone) gets. There are many things that trigger sadness and it varies with different people. Most people are sad when someone or a pet dies, or if they have broken up with someone that liked or even loved.
Sometimes sadness can become very overwhelming and you are scared or don’t want to talk to people about it. But bottling up sadness can make things worse, and you will sometimes just burst into tears at any random moment. You can channel your sadness and maybe write about it, if you are not into writing stories you could make up a song, or draw something that makes you happy.
Anger is another main one. Lots of things can trigger anger, and for some people you get angry much easier. Sometimes you may feel like you can’t control and if you feel this way maybe talk to someone. If you don’t feel like you want to talk to someone face to face, there is an amazing app that I use called ‘For me’. It is an app created by child line. It is colourful and you can send emails to them and get a reply within a day.
You could also use your anger in sports. Maybe you could start a new sport, and using your anger might drive you more. If you feel like your anger is going to get you into trouble, take a step back from the situation and breathe. Getting involved in fights and arguments is not only going to make it worse, but it will give you a bad reputation.
That’s all for today, I really hope this helped you somehow. If you would like to email me about your problems use this: . I will reply as quick as I can. To see more from me my twitter is @GlossNgoss
Lots of Love,

                Catty X


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