What on earth is eggy bread?

Hey my lovelies, Catty here.
So I love eggy bread. It is the one food I instantly jump to when I have no ideas. It is addictive, easy to make and so so good.
So, I am going to insert the recipe here so you guys can try it out.
--> Depending on how many pieces you want (this recipe is only 1 piece). <--

1 egg
1 slice of bread
Any seasoning you want
(some people add cinnamon)

The Steps
1. Crack your egg onto a plate and whisk well with a fork
2. Add a splash of milk and anything else you want to add
3. Mix this
4. Place your bread on top and squish down
5. Flip over
6. Continue until the bread is soggy and completely orange
7. Add to a pan and watch it cook (you can add oil to the pan if you want)
8. Flip over once one side is brown and sort of crispy
9. Once both sides are crispy take-off pan and put on plate
10. Eat with BBQ sauce, ketchup, butter or anything you want

Hope you enjoy, and see you in my next post :)
Lots of Love,
          Catty XOXO


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